Deadline Extension of Paper Submission to November, 7th.
Submission deadlines: From March 15th to May 31th (deadline extended)
Proposals for submitting a symposium or panel have to include an outline (500 words approx.) justifying the centre of interest and the relevance of the proposal. Each outline needs to include:
- Name and ascription of the organising person: Indicating the e-mail.
- Names and secondments of participants (providing a provisional title of the presentation for each participant).
Proposals for submitting a communication or poster will be compiled within 300 words approx. and it have to describe the most highlighting goals and outcome. It is advisable to elaborate a summary o abstract, gathering several sections such as:
Introduction, objectives, methodology, outcomes and conclusions.
Proposals will be submitted on the Conference webpage, with the format above either in English or Spanish.
Date of acceptance of proposals: July 15th
Proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and it will be reply before 15th July. In which of the 6 areas are you submitting your work needs to be indicated:
- Linguistics in clinical settings.
- Speech and rehabilitation.
- Brain, language and cognition.
- Language and movement.
- Genetics and language.
- Children’s speech disorders.
Poster presentation
Congress posters will be displayed on Friday 9 November from 9:30 a.m. on a board close to the Aula Magna. In addition, each of them will be presented for 5 minutes in the classroom 1.24 that day. The poster format is A1, size 594 x 841 mm (width X length).
Deadline for full papers submission: November 1st
A selection of the best contributions to this conference will be published in an special issue of the journal Pragmalingüística.
Those contributions accepted as poster will have oral presentation but they are not to send text for publication.
This journal is indexed by the following databases: Ulrich’s, DICE CSIC, REDIB, RESH, CARHUS Plus +, Latindex, Dialnet, Dulcinea, CIRC, Miar, SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus and ERIH PLUS.
Rest of contributions will be published in a digital book of proceedings.
Author guidelines are based on the ones of the Pragmalingüística journal.